Wednesday, 27 May 2015

New Solo Exhibition "Switch" at SCU gallery 27th May until 7th June

This "Belgian Power Pole" work is a highlight from the now installed show in Lismore. Gallery is located in V block and open 9-4 week days. Please contact me for directions or other information or timm_fry on ig or Tim Fry Art on fb. Super excited with this work

 Power pole no.1,the token red/yellow piece, breaks up the rest of the blue pieces with fiery post climate change warmth.

Installation shot. Loving the geometric custom plinths.

Power pole no.4 is the straightest and in some ways most refined, of the first wave of power pole works. Made from paper clay and featuring a wide open construction, this piece has a less totemic and more architectural appearance.

A 15 meter desertscape contextualised the sculptures in a fictional desert, a futuristic post climate change wasteland. This is the largest work I have ever made and I thoroughly enjoyed making it. The assortment of recycled boxes give a great randomness and playful variation, plus they have great corrugated texture. 

Close up of a rock, with flouro pink aerosol highlights.

Large scale work in progress and sketching

Sketching plans...

Giant slab getting carved up!

New multi piece power pole in progress. Some interesting textures happening too...

Moonrise Gallery and New Business Cards

A few weeks back I babysat Moonrise Gallery for Blossom and met a bunch of wonderful arts patrons and general legends. This time interacting with buyers and audiences was invaluable, and I thoroughly loved it. My pop up suburb and badges have been residing in this gallery since summer, finding new homes for themselves. 

 I have created a series of one off handmade business cards. They are screenprinted on high quality printmaking paper with hand drawn and written additions. 

Second round of business cards in the making. If you would like one email me or contact me through Tim Fry Art on fb or timm_fry on ig.

Brunswick Street Gallery Small Works Prize 5th - 25th of May

 #RealAustraliansSayWelcome with reference to Peter Drew. This is one of three works which went into the Small Works Prize this year.

Framing up

Mounting this power pole drawing was fun and a valuable process to learn, also for the Small Works Prize 

 This mounting took on a an aura of its own, As seen glowing in the afternoon sun on the back of my ute.

"Celebrate the little things", and increase your life enjoyment massively. A simple still life for the Small Works Prize at BSG.

Getting ready for "Switch"

 Building geometric plinths from old pallets!!! Upskilling in carpentry. The studio is covered in sawdust and the kids are wearing earmuffs. 

Fresh stoneware from the last firing!!!