This "Belgian Power Pole" work is a highlight from the now installed show in Lismore. Gallery is located in V block and open 9-4 week days. Please contact me for directions or other information or timm_fry on ig or Tim Fry Art on fb. Super excited with this work
Power pole no.1,the token red/yellow piece, breaks up the rest of the blue pieces with fiery post climate change warmth.
Installation shot. Loving the geometric custom plinths.
Close up of a rock, with flouro pink aerosol highlights.
Power pole no.4 is the straightest and in some ways most refined, of the first wave of power pole works. Made from paper clay and featuring a wide open construction, this piece has a less totemic and more architectural appearance.
A 15 meter desertscape contextualised the sculptures in a fictional desert, a futuristic post climate change wasteland. This is the largest work I have ever made and I thoroughly enjoyed making it. The assortment of recycled boxes give a great randomness and playful variation, plus they have great corrugated texture.